
台灣社會從日治時期﹙1895~1945﹚進入近代化, 醫學也自日治時期逐漸呈現近代的醫學面貌,醫科、牙科﹙當時稱為齒科﹚、護理、藥學分科範疇逐漸清晰。 日治初期本無牙科醫師, 至1901年只有3人, 日治末期﹙1945年﹚增加為738人﹙台灣人493人﹚, 日治時期並未正式在台灣施行牙科教育,人數增加的原因來自於日籍牙醫師來台灣執業、台灣人到日本齒科醫學專門學校修業後回台執業、台灣的醫學專門學校中學習齒科學的學生工作後專研牙科者,在限定的時間及區域執業等。 台灣光復後,1946年省衛生局辦理衛生人員登記並發給醫師臨時證書,或許因為日本人的徹離、政治氛圍的轉換,當時登記的牙醫師人數僅98人;國防醫學院、台大醫學院、高雄醫學院、中山醫學院、台北醫學院、陽明醫學院、中國醫藥學院等等牙醫學系的開辦,及1971年間大型醫療院所的增加,各種保險制度的開辦,1995年台灣執業牙醫師已高達7026人,台南市為328人。

 台南市牙醫師及開業醫的史料部份,1919年﹙大正8年﹚林得恩從日本大阪齒科專門學校畢業返鄉開業,為最早的牙醫師開業紀載, 1930年日治期間﹙昭和5年﹚執業牙醫師人數已達15人,然而當時並沒有成立地方性組織。依民國四十八年的《台南市志稿卷三.政事志.社會篇》資料,直到1946年﹙民國35年﹚3月3日台灣光復後,才由蔡清塗先生登記為負責人,成立台南市齒科醫師公會,會址設在台南市中山路61號,登記會員26人。 1968年﹙民國57年﹚8月公會向台南市社會局立案登記,會員人數50人, 1976年﹙民國65年﹚變更為台南市牙醫師公會,1996年購置會館,向台南市地方法院登記為社團法人台南市牙醫師公會,至2018年12月會員人數已達1086人,呈現大幅成長。

The modernization of Taiwanese society began in the period of Japanese rule (1895-1945). Medical science also gradually presented itself in a more modernized form starting in this period. Medical disciplines became gradually clear-cut and categorized into medicine, dentistry (known as odontology at that time), nursing, and pharmacy. In the early years of Japanese rule, there were no dentists in Taiwan. Toward the end of the Japanese period (1945), the number of dentists had increased from a mere 3 in 1901 to 738 (493 Taiwanese). Dentistry education was not officially administered in Taiwan during the period of Japanese rule. The increasing number of dentists can be explained by the following factors: Japanese dentists practicing in Taiwan, Taiwanese dentists returning to Taiwan after successfully completing their studies at Japanese odontology colleges, and Taiwanese students specializing in dentistry after completing their studies of odontology at Taiwanese medical colleges. These dentists practiced in certain areas at specified times. Upon the retrocession of Taiwan, the provincial health bureau initiated the registration of healthcare personnel and issuance of provisional licenses to physicians in 1946. A mere 98 dentists completed the registration procedures possibly due to the withdrawal of the Japanese and the transformed political climate. In the following years, dentistry departments were established in the National Defense Medical Center, NTU College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical College, Chung Shan Medical College, Taipei Medical College, Yang Ming Medical College, and China Medical College. In the wake of the establishment of new large-scale medical institutions in 1971 and the initiation of various insurance systems, the number of practicing dentists reached 7026 in 1995 (328 in Tainan City).